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Natural. Plant-based. Wholesome.

Hemp in beverages

Using Hemp Protein in Plant-based beverages

protein beverages are becoming a major attraction when the dietary world is
taken up by the storm of vegan and lactose-free diets. They contain various
beneficial nutrients like fiber, minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients. Adding
plant-based protein to your beverages is a comparatively, more laborious task
than using dairy proteins. This is due to the green flavor, grainy, and beany
profiles, as well as their off-color and much-reduced solubility of the
plant-based proteins.

can add natural non-dairy proteins to your plant-based protein beverages to add
more to their taste and enhance the creaminess. You can use various plant-based
proteins like pea protein and flaxseed protein in your drinks. Soy is also one
of the most popular proteins for your beverage. You can also use nut butter and
nut flours and establish a creamy mouthfeel in your drinks.

can also go for hemp seed milk or add hemp powder in any of your favorite
smoothies or juices. Hemp milk is one of the most suitable and safest
alternatives to cow milk. It is considered gluten-free, lactose-free, and
soy-free, which is why it is the best choice for vegans. You can consume it
directly or add it to your favorite cereals, smoothies, or baked products.

Hemp Seed Quality

Z-Company provides its valued customers the most exceptional
quality hemp seeds across Europe via Rotterdam Harbor with the fastest shipping
possible. We supply both sized and cleaned hemp seeds for de-hulling, and as well
as in oil-pressing quality. For a better human consumption standard, we apply
the autoclave (high pressure) treatment. It is a cold process in which CO2
is added under 20 bar pressure. Our hemp seeds are clear from THC and re as low
as <1PPM THC in lab results. All our products are either organic, kosher, or
even have both certifications in addition to FSSC2000 certification. 


provides wholesale or bulk supplies of organic, kosher, and FSSC2000 certified
products across Europe. We operate from our primary warehouse in the
Netherlands. We keep in mind competitive pricing while providing the fastest
shipping possible via Rotterdam harbor. Our team is readily available to assist
you in providing you information regarding our products as well as our overall


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