+31 (0)40 7802442


Natural. Plant-based. Wholesome.

Hulled hemp seeds vs Whole hemp seeds


seeds come from the female hemp plant are one of the highly nutritious seeds.
They are extremely rich in protein, fiber, minerals, fatty acids, and
antioxidants. They contain a whopping 30% fat, including PUFAs like omega-6 and
omega-3. These PUFAs are in the most perfect ration of 3:1, respectively.

the outer shell of the whole hemp seed is removed, they are known as hulled hemp seeds. They are also famously known as shelled hemp seeds, or hemp hearts,
or hemp nuts. De-hulling the hemp seeds is a purely mechanical process, and the
raw material is sized and cleaned before de-hulling. There is no water or heat
involved in this process, making the hemp seeds retain their original
nutritional properties. While hemp seeds are de-hulled to make them more
appealing and convenient in consumption. Although the whole hemp seeds have
more dietary features than their de-hulled counterparts.

the overall amount of protein, and the total EFAs, are increased in addition to
the reduction in the carbs content occurs when whole hemp seeds are de-hulled.
But, clearly, the material you remove also makes you lose other nutritional
properties. The hull contains a rare insoluble fiber, which is very much absent
in our diets because of all the over-processed foods it contains.

Although the hemp seed is small, crunch, and might even get
stuck in between your teeth, it provides you with extra nutrition like fiber,
etc., which is not present in the hulled hemp seeds.


Z-Company provides its valued customers the most exceptional
quality hemp seeds across Europe via Rotterdam Harbor with the fastest shipping
possible. We supply both sized and cleaned hemp seeds for de-hulling, and as
well as in oil-pressing quality. For a better human consumption standard, we
apply the autoclave (high pressure) treatment. It is a cold process in which CO2
is added under 20 bar pressure. Our hemp seeds are clear from THC and re as low
as <1PPM THC in lab results. All our products are either organic, kosher or
even have both certifications in addition to FSSC2000 certification.


We offer both organic and non-organic hemp seeds in bulk
quantities with keeping in mind competitive pricing. Hulled hemp seeds are produced
at our main facility in the Netherlands while the raw material is obtained from
Ukraine, Estonia, China, Canada, Estonia, Romania, and France. These products
are available across the year with a minimum order quantity of 20 kgs per bag.

You can use hemp seeds in smoothies, cakes, salads, yogurts,
and even eat them as snacks. They taste like nuts. We have several other hemp
products like seeds whole, seeds hulled, animal seeds, seeds toasted, fibers,
flour, and protein.


We at Z-Company believe that customer satisfaction is the key
to business. Our team is available round the clock to assist you in any way
possible, ranging from clearing your queries, providing you the necessary
information about our products and the overall working of our company.

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