+31 (0)40 7802442


Natural. Plant-based. Wholesome.



has been around for thousands of years, but it has become a significant trend
these days.  It is indigenous to the
South American region of Andean that includes Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and
Ecuador. It is also known as the ‘mother of all grains.’ Quinoa seeds are full
of nutrition and can be referred to as a superfood.

It is
pronounced as ‘keen-waah’ and is technically a seed instead of a grain. It is
very rich in its protein content and is derived from a veggie that belongs to
the group of beets, spinach, and Swiss chard. It can grow in the roughest
conditions like lesser rainfall, deteriorated soil conditions, hot sun,
freezing cold temperatures, and even on high altitudes. It can also survive in
drought-like conditions.

Nutritional Properties

is one of the seeds that provide all the necessary amino acids. It is the
quality of protein that makes quinoa apart. It is also highly rich in fiber,
magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamin B, and vitamin E. it is also considered
gluten-free, which is why it’s the best source of protein for people having a
gluten intolerance.


You should rinse it before cooking. You
can cook it just like rice with 1 ratio dry quinoa and 2 ratio liquid, and it
can be quickly prepared in 15 minutes. It can be used in a vast array of foods
and recipes, the best is to use it as a rice substitute.


provides wholesale or bulk supplies of organic, kosher, and FSSC2000 certified
products across Europe. We operate from our primary warehouse in the
Netherlands. We keep in mind competitive pricing while providing the fastest
shipping possible via Rotterdam harbor. Our team is readily available to assist
you in providing you information regarding our products as well as our overall

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